Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions 

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Click on a question below to learn more. If your question isn't addressed, please contact us.



Do I have to be a GW student to see a counselor at the CCSC?

No! We serve anyone, including children, teens, and adults, in the DMV area.

If I can’t come at my usual time, can I reschedule for another day that week?

Since counseling interns work in the CCSC only one day a week, it is not possible to reschedule. You will just need to skip a week.

What if I have to cancel a session?

Call the CCSC to cancel a session (Alexandria: 703-299-9148, Foggy Bottom: 202-994-8645). If you call less than 24 hours before the session, you will be charged a late cancellation fee, equal to your session fee.

How long are sessions?

Counseling sessions last 50 minutes.

How often can I come for counseling?

Counseling sessions are scheduled once a week. Appointments will be scheduled for the same day and time each week with the same counseling intern.

How many counseling sessions can I attend?

We do not cap the number of sessions you can attend. If your sessions extend over several semesters, requiring that you work with different interns, we may recommend that you find counseling in the community so that your therapy is not hindered by interns coming and going.

I know someone who would really benefit from counseling in the CCSC. How do I get them in?

Ask the person to call the CCSC at 202-994-8645 or submit the "Schedule Appointment" form. A supervisor or counseling intern will reach out to them via phone for an initial screening to determine if our services will meet their needs.

I’m a parent of a GW student and I’m worried about my child. How do I get them mental health services right away?


   Counseling with a Student Intern

Who supervises counseling interns?

Counseling interns meet each week in a group with a faculty member from the Department of Counseling and Human Development for instruction and group supervision. They are also supervised one-on-one by a doctoral student or a staff member.

How experienced are counseling interns?

Our master's students have completed the bulk of their academic preparation to become counselors, so they have the knowledge they need. They understand counseling theories and skills, and are now learning how to apply them. Under the supervision of more experienced counselors, they are ready to begin counseling clients. Doctoral interns have already completed a master’s degree, so they have more experience.

Why do you video record therapy sessions?

Because we are a training facility, all counseling sessions are digitally recorded so that students can review and reflect on the session to improve their skills, as well as receive supervision and feedback on their work. This also allows supervisors to ensure you receive quality services that will genuinely help you meet your therapy goals.

Can I get counseling at the CCSC without being videotaped?

No. Supervisors would have a hard time ensuring the quality of your sessions and the counseling interns would lose an important means for meeting their educational goals.

How secure are these video recordings?

Very secure. They are housed on a separate server from the rest of the University’s computer systems and can be accessed on-site only. No one can transmit, download or in any way transport a video outside the CCSC. Those who view these recordings are ethically obligated to protect your confidentiality.

Who sees video recordings of my counseling sessions?

Tapes are viewed by the counseling intern; the counseling intern’s supervisor; the instructor; and the members of the intern’s or supervisor’s practicum class or supervision group. All of these persons follow the ethical code of the American Counseling Association and will face severe penalties if they fail in their obligations to keep confidential the information they learn about you. These penalties can include expulsion from the counseling program; termination of employment; suspension or loss of their counseling license; or inability to obtain a counseling license.

How do you assign counseling interns to clients?

Instructors look at notes from the supervisor or counselor who interviewed you and determine which of their students to assign.

What if I’m looking for a counseling intern that has similar characteristics to me?

If you are looking for a counseling intern with certain characteristics, for example a person of color or a certain gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other characteristic, the instructor assigning the counseling interns will, whenever possible, assign the counseling intern who fits your preference. This is not always possible, however, all of our counseling interns have completed coursework that prepares them to work with people of diverse background and identities. Please give the counseling intern a chance and see if you can find ways to work together amid important differences.

What if counseling is not going well?

If you have concerns about how counseling is going, please try addressing them with your counseling intern. This might be difficult, but it often turns out to be a very important experience for both you and your intern. You can also call your CCSC location to talk with a supervisor.